Your first visit at the Chest and Allergy Centre
How to prepare
Please let the receptionist know whether you are booking a general, allergy or pulmonology consultation for an appropriate time to be allocated. For allergy consultations, please stop taking any oral antihistamine medication for five days before the visit. For pulmonology consultations, please skip inhalers on the morning of the visit if the patient is well.
What to bring
- When available, a referral letter.
- Copies of previous medical reports.
- Results of diagnostic tests.
- Previous X ray or CT scan images.
- Road to health or vaccination card.
- Medication that your child is already taking, as well as asthma pumps and spacers.
- For those with allergies to fresh foods, a small portion of that particular food.
What to expect
Initial consultations for allergy and pulmonology are an hour long during which time your specialist will take a detailed history, do a full physical examination, and where appropriate, do a skin prick allergy or lung function testing. These results will be available on the same day. When required, blood and specialised radiological investigations may take longer.
Registration forms
Dr Sarah Karabus
Paediatrician & Paediatric Allergologist
Dr Julie Morrison
Paediatrician & Paediatric Pulmonologist
Dr Taryn Gray
Paediatrician & Paediatric Pulmonologist
Below, please find our policies available to download.
Download Dr Karabus’s billing policy
Download Dr Karabus’s complaints policy
Terms and conditions
Download our terms and conditions.
Information and other forms
Bronchoscope information and consent forms
Immunotherapy information
Skin prick test information
Allergy and anaphylaxis action plan