Dr Taryn Gray Paediatric Pulmonologist

Dr Taryn Gray

Paediatrician & Paediatric Pulmonologist

Dr Taryn Gray completed her undergraduate training at the University of Cape Town. Following her internship in the Pietermaritzburg Hospitals Complex, she earned her Diploma in Child Health while completing her community service at Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town.

After a stint working abroad in the United Kingdom, she returned to Pietermaritzburg to undertake training in anaesthesiology. She completed her Diploma in Anaesthetics and remained working in the theatre and intensive care environment, both locally and abroad, for three years. This provided invaluable experience for her current work in paediatric intensive care.

In 2006 she decided to specialise in general paediatrics. She completed her training at Stellenbosch University where she earned her Masters Degree in Medicine (Paed) cum laude. She was awarded the Robert McDonald Medal for excellence in her final paediatric examination from the College of Medicine of South Africa.

A scholarship from the Discovery Foundation enabled her to undertake her subspecialist training in paediatric pulmonology at Stellenbosch University in 2011. She completed her Certificate of Pulmonology (Paed) from the College of Medicine of South Africa in 2013. This was followed by a consultant pulmonology post at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital. Apart from caring for patients, teaching and building professional networks, this afforded her new perspective and experience working with the highly regarded Breathe Easy tracheostomy and home ventilation team.

Dr Gray joined Drs Kritzinger and Karabus at the Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital in 2016, with a view to providing comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care for children with both general and complex respiratory health problems. She maintains strong professional ties with her colleagues at Red Cross Children’s Hospital and Tygerberg Hospital, where she holds a position as an external lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health.

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